Sex, Lies, and Blank Pages
Your Hosts
Willow Winters
Willow Winters has hosted 44 episodes.
I started writing after having my little girl, Evie, December of 2015. All during my pregnancy with her I read. I only wanted to read romance novels and I read everything I could get my hands on. I would read a book a day — sometimes two. In January I was staying up late with her and just thinking of all these stories. They came to me constantly. I finally sat down and just started writing. I always wanted to do it so I figured, why not?
I never thought I would reach this point of success to be honest. It’s insane to me that I have connected with so many readers.
And I love each and every one of them for all of their support. I’ll be honest, some days are HARD. I have my littles during the day and I write at night. Some days are just simply exhausting and then I hear from a reader and it motivates me to push through and keep writing. I couldn’t be more grateful for this wonderful career.
Stacie Marie Brown
Stacie Marie Brown has hosted 44 episodes.
Stacey Marie Brown is a lover of hot fictional bad boys and sarcastic heroines who kick butt. She also enjoys books, travel, TV shows, hiking, writing, design, and archery. Stacey swears she is part gypsy, being lucky enough to live and travel all over the world.
She grew up in Northern California, where she ran around on her family’s farm, raising animals, riding horses, playing flashlight tag, and turning hay bales into cool forts. She volunteers helping animals and is Eco-friendly. She feels all animals, people, and environment should be treated kindly.
Colleen Oppenheim
Colleen Oppenheim has hosted 44 episodes.
Colleen Oppenheim is a Public Relations and Marketing Professional.
Her love of reading began at a young age and carried through college, where she received a B.A. in English Literature.
After college, Colleen worked in Advertising and Marketing. She blogged for 7 years within the Indie Community before beginning her career as a Publicist with The Next Step PR.
Besides reading, which keeps her sane, Colleen loves wine, music, animals, and spending time with her family and friends.